By comparison study, reach the following conclusion: that is conditional recognition and empowerment of de facto marriage legal effect, as a de facto marriage has been to provide a legal relationship between the parties means relief is the common practice in all countries. 通过比较法考察,得出如下结论:即有条件承认和赋予事实婚姻法律效力,为已具有事实婚姻关系当事人提供法律救济手段是各国的普遍做法。
Principal component analysis ( or eigenfaces) has demonstrated its success in face recognition as a subspace method, and by now has become a de facto standard and a common performance benchmark in the field of face recognition. 主成分分析(或特征脸)是一种成功的子空间人脸识别方法,并且已成为事实上的人脸识别领域其它方法识别性能的评测基准。
And then discusses the effect of our recognition of the need to de facto marriage. 然后论述了我国承认事实婚姻效力的必要性。